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Please scroll down to read the rules BEFORE you register AND GET APPROVAL BEFORE REGISTERING.




Fox Valley Mall 

195 Fox Valley Center Dr, Aurora, IL 60504


March 1-2, 2025 



Saturday 10am-9pm

Sunday 10am-6pm 



*Show hours are the hours you need to be open and set up at the show 

*Your spaces will vary be about 10x8 (10' wide and 8' deep), and we will have 3 space that will neeed to be set up horizontal against the planters

*We are using the Central Perk area which is in the center area of the mall by the fountain

*You need to bring everything for your set up 

*You will need to have floor length tablecloths

* Your set up should be clean and professional looking

*Spaces are marked with tape, and labeled 

*You will be able to come in and set up  Friday evening and Saturday/Sunday morning

*You can leave your items at the mall overnight, please know we are not responsible for your items 

*We do not provide carts for you to unload your items. 

*Set up emails will be sent out the week of the show 


EMAIL for approval

Spring Craft Show Fox Valley Mall

    1. New Crafty Ideas- Tumblers, shirts, glass jars
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